
Alleviating Stress Symptoms through Ultra-Short-Term Methods to effectively alleviate stress symptoms and unlock full performance potential.

> EmotionSync
> Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)
> EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
> NLP Sense Control
> Systemic Constellation


The Neural Effects of Expectation Pressure

Why Expectation Pressure Leads to Stress:

Expectation pressure can trigger a stress response in the brain, impairing the optimal retrieval of learned skills. Scientific studies show that stress affects the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for complex cognitive behaviors and decision-making, and activates the amygdala, the center for emotional reactions.

  • Study: A report in the journal “Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews” describes how stress impairs the functionality of the prefrontal cortex, leading to reduced cognitive control and decision-making.
  • Example: A well-known example is former tennis professional Andre Agassi, who describes in his book “Open” how, despite intense training, he often could not fully utilize his abilities due to stress.

Recognizing Limiting Beliefs When Performance Falls Short:

An important step in managing expectation pressure is identifying beliefs and dysfunctional cognitions that limit your performance, especially when the expected performance is not achieved.

  • Self-Observation: Reflect on your thoughts and feelings in situations where your performance does not meet expectations. What negative beliefs emerge? For example: “I am not good enough,” “I will never be successful,” “I will never win a tournament,” “I hope I don’t make any mistakes,” “I must not fail,” “I must not disappoint my father/mother/family/coach/club/teammates/fans,” “I have to play well,” “I prefer to prepare,” “I let others score the goals,” “I am to blame for our loss,” or “Everyone is watching me!”
  • Physical Reactions: Pay attention to physical signs of stress such as increased heartbeat, sweating, stomach problems, trembling, or lack of motivation. These can be indicators of underlying negative beliefs.


Alleviating Stress Symptoms through Ultra-Short-Term Methods

We utilize a variety of ultra-short-term methods to effectively alleviate and sustainably resolve stress symptoms, enabling the full performance potential to be realized.

  1. EmotionSync: Description: This method is based on the synchronization of emotional states through specific techniques such as clapSync®.
    • Success Story: Basketball player Dirk Nowitzki uses emotional regulation techniques to remain calm and focused in high-pressure situations.
  2. Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART): Description: ART helps quickly process distressing memories and stress symptoms.
    • Study: A study in the “Journal of Experimental Psychology” shows that ART can effectively reduce post-traumatic stress symptoms.
  3. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing): Description: EMDR is used to process traumatic experiences and reduce stress reactions.
    • Success Story: Golfer Anja Söderström reports how EMDR helped her regain her performance after a traumatic experience.
  4. NLP Sense Control: Description: NLP techniques help break negative thought patterns and promote positive mental states.
    • Example: Michael Phelps, the most successful Olympian, uses NLP techniques to optimize his mental preparation.
  5. Systemic Constellation: Description: This method helps uncover and resolve systemic entanglements and unconscious dynamics.
    • Success Story: Many professional soccer players use systemic coaching to improve team dynamics and enhance individual performance.